Forex Tips & Secrets

Forex is the best way to make profit it's alot easier and less risky than the stock market or any other profitable project you can think of.
Here are some Forex tips and secrets you may find useful:

1.      In Forex there are no place for gamblers, gamblers go to casinos, Any attempt to trade without analysis and studying the market is pure gambling and gambling is not fun when you lose.
2.      Never put money into a real Forex account until you practice for enough time on a Forex Demo account first you don't want to rush into anything before you have enough knowledge and experience to know exactly what you're doing .
3.      Never risk more than 10% of the total trading account, you always have to be able to survive market drops and this is the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful trader
4.      Put your emotions away and Don't ever try to revenge after losing a trade. And Don't be greedy by adding lots of positions when winning. Emotions clouds clear thinking and as a result you will lose your money
5.      When in doubt don't take risks. If it is not clear where the market will go don't trade and step a side. In this case saving your present capital is a better choice than taking additional risks and losing money.
6.      Let your profits run and don't rush into anything, Let your position be open for as long as the market wishes to reward you. Of course this doesn't mean you wait forever, otherwise they risk to give all the profits back
7.      Cut your losses short, It's better to finish unprofitable trade quickly than wait for the situation to get better because it might get worse and become a snowball of lost money that only gets bigger and bigger.
8.      Choose the right day to trade, choosing the time to trade can make a difference between successful and hopeless trading, It's highly recommended not to trade on Mondays, when the market has recently awaken and is making first his first steps to form a new or confirm a current trend; or on Fridays afternoon, during the huge volume of closing trades. The best days to trade are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
9.      Go with the trend, Trade with the trend to maximize your chances to succeed. Trading against the trend isn't wrong but will definitely require more attention, nerves and sharp skills to make it profitable trade.
10.  Learn to measure trading success by the end of the week and month and then year, Don't judge about your trading success on a single trade. Successful traders don't need to win every trade, they also don't become rich in one trade, but they will be in the long run.